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MMPC-Live VIBRANT program
The MMPC-Live VIBRANT program aims to provide pilot funding, phenotyping services, training, and other resources designed to help New Investigators* from underrepresented groups**, or from research institutions that have historically served underrepresented populations***. The resources and activities developed by the MMPC-Live VIBRANT program are designed to improve the ability of these researchers to compete for independent funding. VIBRANT activities will contribute to a diverse, high quality national biomedical research force, eventually helping to reduce U.S. health disparities.

VIBRANT investigator eligibility criteria:

MMPC-Live clients that meet the following criteria are eligible for VIBRANT benefits.
  • An MMPC-Live eligible client is a New Investigator as defined by the NIH*, and
  • Is in at least ONE of the following groups:
    • Identifies as part of a group historically underrepresented in biomedical research**
    • Primary faculty affiliation is with a Minority Serving Institution***
*A PD/PI who has not previously competed successfully as a PD/PI for a substantial independent research award is considered a New Investigator. For example, a PD/PI who has previously received a competing NIH R01 research grant is no longer considered a New Investigator. However, a PD/PI who has received a Small Grant (R03) or an Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award (R21) retains his or her status as a New Investigator. The list of NIH grants that a PD/PI can hold and still be considered a New Investigator can be found here.
** A recent NIH notice recognizes a broad set of individuals as Underrepresented Populations in the U.S. Biomedical, Clinical, Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Enterprise. These include scientists (a) from certain racial and ethnic groups, (b) with disabilities, or (c) from disadvantaged backgrounds. Women from these groups were noticed as especially underrepresented (

VIBRANT Resources:

VIBRANT eligible MMPC-Live clients have access to the following resources.
  • 50% discount on MMPC-Live Phenotyping Center services
  • Travel awards to travel to scientific meetings
  • Travel awards to travel to courses or other training activities
  • Access to MMPC-Live experts to discuss academic research and/or experimental design
  • Grant and manuscript review

Have questions? VIBRANT Contacts at each MMPC-Live Phenotyping Center:

University of California Davis – Dr. Sean Adams
Vanderbilt University – Dr. Louise Lantier
Yale University – Dr. Rachel Perry
University of Michigan – Dr. Carol Elias


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