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Conditions of Use Statement for Requesting
Phenotyping Tests from the MMPC-Live Program

The Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Centers Program ("MMPC-Live") has specialized expertise and equipment to provide certain phenotyping tests done on live mice to researchers. The MMPC-Live is funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease ("NIDDK") to be a resource to the community of scientists who use mice to study diabetes, obesity, diabetic complications, and other metabolic diseases identified within NIH's MMPC-Live Program.
The requesting organization ("Institute") agrees to the following terms in order for the MMPC-Live to provide phenotyping tests to the Institute's researcher ("Researcher"):
  1. The Researcher will provide mice and/or mouse tissues associated with a live mouse project ("Material") and/or confidential information and/or data that is marked confidential ("Confidential Information) related to the Material to the MMPC-Live.
  2. The Researcher will disclose and transmit the Confidential Information in sufficient detail to enable MMPC-Live to test and evaluate the Material and Confidential Information. MMPC-Live will not disclose or give the Confidential Information to anyone, except MMPC-Live employees who need the Confidential Information in connection with the evaluation and phenotyping tests. MMPC-Live will maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information by using the same degree of care that MMPC-Live uses to safeguard its own confidential information. Confidential Information does not include any information that:
    1. is in the public domain or publicly known at the time of disclosure;
    2. becomes part of the public domain or publicly known, not due to any unauthorized act of MMPC-Live;
    3. is in the possession of or readily available to MMPC-Live from another source prior to disclosure by the Institute;
    4. is independently developed or acquired by MMPC-Live without reference to or reliance upon the Confidential Information; or
    5. is required to be disclosed by law.
    MMPC-Live's obligation of confidentiality shall terminate three (3) years following initial disclosure.
  3. The Material and Confidential Information are the property of the Institute. MMPC-Live will not use the Material or Confidential Information for its own purposes or benefit. The MMPC-Live will not distribute the Material or Confidential Information to other parties without the permission of the Institute.
  4. MMPC-Live will conduct only the phenotyping tests authorized by the Researcher and will provide the data obtained from the phenotyping tests ("Data") to the Researcher. The Data will become the Confidential Information of the Institute.
  5. During the course of the evaluation and the phenotyping tests, MMPC-Live and the Researcher may collaborate on related research. Nothing in this Agreement prevents such collaboration.
  6. All phenotyping data will be uploaded to the MMPC-Live database from where it will be made available to the Researcher. According to the 2022 NIH Data Sharing and Management Policy, shared scientific data should be made accessible as soon as possible, and no later than the time of an associated publication, or the end of performance period, whichever comes first. Further, NIH strongly encourages the use of established repositories to the extent possible for preserving and sharing scientific data. To help NIH-funded researchers comply with this policy, the MMPC-Live database can be used to release data to the public on behalf of the Researcher at their request.
  7. MMPC-Live will destroy the Material upon completion of the phenotyping tests. Alternatively, the Material may be returned at the written request of the Researcher.
  8. The Researcher will notify MMPC-Live of all publications and presentations resulting from the use of the Data and will acknowledge the NIDDK and MMPC-Live Program in all presentations and publications resulting from the use of the Data by sending an email here.


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