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MMPC Energy Expenditure Analysis Page
The MMPC Energy Expenditure analysis page uses multiple linear regression analysis to assess the impact of covariates (e.g. Mass) on energy expenditure. Please note the data must be in either comma separated (*.csv) or tab delimited format (*.txt). The program expects to have at least one EE variable (the response variable), one Grouping variable (e.g. Strain) and one Covariate (e.g. Mass). The file can include as many covariates as you want but will only analyze one at a time. In addition, the current version will not work if your grouping variable has more than two groups to analyze.

Please use the following text when acknowledging the MMPC EE Analysis page in manuscripts:
'The EE ANCOVA analysis done for this work was provided by the NIDDK Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Centers (MMPC, using their Energy Expenditure Analysis page ( and supported by grants DK076169 and DK115255'


Identification of Body Fat Mass as a Major Determinant of Metabolic Rate in Mice. Karl J. Kaiyala, Gregory J. Morton, Brian G. Leroux, Kayoko Ogimoto, Brent Wisse and Michael W. Schwartz. Diabetes 2010 59:1657-1666

Toward a More Complete (and Less Controversial) Understanding of Energy Expenditure and Its Role in Obesity Pathogenesis Karl J. Kaiyala and Michael W. Schwartz. Diabetes 2011 60:17-23

Mathematical Model for the Contribution of Individual Organs to Non-Zero Y-Intercepts in Single and Multi-Compartment Linear Models of Whole-Body Energy Expenditure Karl J. Kaiyala. PLOS One 2014 9(7)

FILE FORMAT: The file format accepted is a simple text file with rows and columns. The first row is the header that defines what data is in each column and all following rows are the data for each animal. Columns can be separated by either a comma (,) or a tab. Comma separated formats expect a file extension of .CSV while tab delimited files should have a file extension of .TXT. In MS Excel, you can 'Save As' a comma or tab separated file to generate a text file.

Not Sure How to Use the Page? Below are instruction modules to explain the problem and how to use the web page.

Example files used in the modules:   

Please browse to the Energy Expenditure file you would like to analyze and click submit:


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