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Assessment of mitochondrial abundance and localization in muscle of aged (24 month) wild type mouse
CaptionAssessment of mitochondrial abundance and localization in muscle of aged (24
month) wild type mouse
ExperimentLipid droplet and mitochondrial analysis in aged MURF/1 KO Mice
StrainC57BL/6J (Animal ID: WT)
Anatomic Sitegastrocnemius muscle
Other Sitesgastrocnemius muscle, [All Tissues for this Animal]
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Lipid droplet formation in muscle of aged (24 month) wild type mouse
CaptionLipid droplet formation in muscle of aged (24 month) wild type mouse
ExperimentLipid droplet and mitochondrial analysis in aged MURF/1 KO Mice
StrainC57BL/6J (Animal ID: WT)
Anatomic Sitegastrocnemius muscle
Other Sitesgastrocnemius muscle, [All Tissues for this Animal]
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Assessment of lipid droplet formation in muscle of aged (24 month) MuRF1 KO mice
CaptionAssessment of lipid droplet formation in muscle of aged (24 month) MuRF1 KO mice
ExperimentLipid droplet and mitochondrial analysis in aged MURF/1 KO Mice
StrainB6;129S1-Trim63tm1Glas (Animal ID: MuRF1KO)
Anatomic Sitegastrocnemius muscle
Other Sitesgastrocnemius muscle, [All Tissues for this Animal]
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Assessment of mitochondrial abundance and localization in muscle of aged (24 month) MuRF1 KO mouse
CaptionAssessment of mitochondrial abundance and localization in muscle of aged (24
month) MuRF1 KO mouse
ExperimentLipid droplet and mitochondrial analysis in aged MURF/1 KO Mice
StrainB6;129S1-Trim63tm1Glas (Animal ID: MuRF1KO)
Anatomic Sitegastrocnemius muscle
Other Sitesgastrocnemius muscle, [All Tissues for this Animal]
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Mir204-Mir 211 KO mouse eye stained with H&E, level 1
CaptionMir204-Mir 211 KO mouse eye stained with H&E, level 1
ExperimentGross Necropsy of B6-Tg(Spng)1 & B6-Tg(Spng) mice
StrainB6.129S6-Mir204tm1Dchen Mir211tm1Dchen (Animal ID: 3)
Anatomic Siteeye
Other Siteseye, [All Tissues for this Animal]
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