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Circulating lipid levels in ApoE KO mice treated with niclosamide pt2
Summary Data Summary
Investigator Shengkan, Jin
Description In this study we used the apoE deficient mice (C57BL6/J background, from the
Jackson laboratory). In the study, we have two groups of mice, each group
contains 7 mice. One group was fed with the standard mouse chow (AIN-93M from
the Research Diets, Inc.) as control; the other group was fed with the same diet
but supplemented 2000 p.p.m. niclosamide ethanolamine. The treatment started
from 6 week age of the mice and continued for 10 weeks. The plasma samples were
collected after 4, 6 and 8 weeks of treatment. For the Week 4 and Week 6 samples
were collected after 16 hours fasting, and for Week 8 samples were collected
after 5 hours fasting.

Mice homozygous for the Apoetm1Unc mutation show a marked increase in total
plasma cholesterol levels that are unaffected by age or sex. Fatty streaks in
the proximal aorta are found at 3 months of age. The lesions increase with age
and progress to lesions with less lipid but more elongated cells, typical of a
more advanced stage of pre-atherosclerotic lesion. Moderately increased
triglyceride levels have been reported in mice with this mutation on a mixed
C57BL/6 x 129 genetic background. Aged apoE-deficient mice (>17 months) have
been shown to develop xanthomatous lesions in the brain consisting mostly of
crystalline cholesterol clefts, lipid globules, and foam cells. Smaller
xanthomas were seen in the choroid plexus and ventral fornix. Additional studies
indicate that apoE-deficient mice have altered responses to stress, impaired
spatial learning and memory, altered long term potentiation, and synaptic

Applicable research area(s): Metabolism, Cardiovascular
Status Completed
Public Release 6/13/2018
Animal Age Measured In: week(s) post-natal (w)
Flags has-data-flagSame StrainAnimal Count
Data Analysis
Experimental Conditions6
Catalog Items4
Curation Info (# flags)2
Phenotype Assays5
Phenotype Measurements210
Histology Images0

Strain NameCommon NameFemalesMalesUnknown

Experimental Factors
 Categorical Values
Name / AbbreviationDescription

Experimental Factor: Experimental Group

This animal belongs to the control group for the experiment.
This animal belongs to experimental group that is homozygous for gene manipulations.

Experimental Factor: Feeding Group

Animals are deprived of food but not water.

Experimental Factor: Mouse Diet

 Research Diets - D10012M
Research Diets - AIN-93M Rodent Diet with 9.4% fat, 75.9% carbohydrate, 14.7% protein
 Research Diets - D10012M 2000 ppm NEN
Research Diets - AIN-93M Rodent Diet with 9.4% fat, 75.9% carbohydrate, 14.7% protein supplemented with 2000 ppm niclosamide ethanolamine (NEN)

Experimental Factor: Tissue Source

 plasma (EDTA)
plasma (EDTA)
Experimental Factor Values

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