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Effect of ABAT ASO knock down on substrate oxidation and energy expenditure in
DIO mice.
Summary Data Summary
Investigator Renquist, Benjamin
Description To understand the effect of liver GABA-Transaminase on energy expenditure.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is mainly known as being the major inhibitory
amino acid neurotransmitter and is involved in the pathogenesis of many
neurologic diseases and psychiatric disorders. One of the many enzymes which
regulate GABA, GABA transaminase, is responsible for its catabolism
(degradation). Recently hepatic specific GABA- transaminase (ABAT) has been
shown to be elevated in the liver of time food restricted mice. In addition,
antisense oligo knock-down of ABAT in obese mice (high fat diet induced)
resulted in reduced food intake and decreased body weight. The purpose of this
study is to determine if ABAT knock down alters substrate oxidation and energy
expenditure in a diet induced obesity mouse model.

Twelve (12) male DIO (C57BL/6J DIO, strain 380050) mice at will be imported from
Jax at ~ 13 weeks of age where they will acclimate for 2 weeks on investigator
provided diet (Research diets D12492) Mice will then be injected IP with control
or ABAT ASO (12.5 mg/kg) on Tuesday and Friday for 4 weeks (8 injections total).
Energy expenditure will be analyzed by indirect calorimetry three times at ~ 7,
14, and 28 days post first ASO injection. Body composition will be assessed by
DEXA after each CLAMS run.
Status Completed
Public Release 6/4/2021
Animal Age Measured In: week(s) post-natal (w)
Flags has-data-flagSame Strain
Data Analysis
Experimental Conditions7
Catalog Items3
Curation Info (# flags)1
Phenotype Assays31
Phenotype Measurements1116
Histology Images0

Strain NameCommon NameFemalesMalesUnknown

Experimental Factors
 Categorical Values
Name / AbbreviationDescription

Experimental Factor: Drug Administered

Hepatic specific GABA- transaminase (ABAT) anti-sense oligonucleotide (ASO).

Experimental Factor: Drug Delivery Route

The drug was delivered intraperitoneal.

Experimental Factor: Drug Dose Units

milligrams per kilogram

Experimental Factor: Experimental Group

This animal belongs to the control group for the experiment.
This animal belongs to experimental group that is homozygous for gene manipulations.

Experimental Factor: Mouse Diet

 Research Diets - D12492
Rodent Diet with 34% Fat, 60% kcal from Fat
Experimental Factor Values

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